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Text File | 1997-11-11 | 6.9 KB | 188 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1996 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
- Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
- or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
- or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
- License (the "License") for full details.
- Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
- normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
- the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
- under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
- License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
- all copies.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- ****************************************************
- * This file describes version 5.10 of Ghostscript. *
- ****************************************************
- If this is your first contact with Ghostscript, we suggest you read the file
- new-user.txt before continuing with this README file. new-user.txt gives an
- overview of:
- - what Ghostscript does (PostScript and PDF previewing, conversion,
- and printing);
- - what its licensing terms are (free for ordinary use);
- - what platforms it runs on (every platform you're likely to be
- interested in);
- - where to find some useful programs that enhance Ghostscript (like
- user-friendly previewers for Unix, VMS, MS Windows, MS-DOS, and
- Macintosh).
- - what to do if you have problems (the "If you need help" section).
- The rest of this README file is a road map to the documentation files that
- are part of the fileset. If you are a new user, we suggest you look through
- it now. After that, we recommend you read install.txt, which tells you how
- to install Ghostscript, and make.txt, which tells you how to compile
- Ghostscript from source code (which is required before installation on Unix
- and VMS systems).
- ********
- ******** Documentation overview ********
- ********
- There is a Ghostscript World Wide Web home page at
- http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/index.html
- All the file names mentioned in the documentation, except for README and
- NEWS, are in lower case, which is the usual convention for Unix systems. On
- MS-DOS systems, all file names are actually upper-case.
- What should I read if I'm a new user?
- -------------------------------------
- If you are a new user of Ghostscript, you should start by reading:
- > new-user.txt - information specifically for new users.
- Then read as many of the following as seem relevant:
- > install.txt - information about how install Ghostscript.
- > use.txt - information about to use Ghostscript. Some of this information
- is also contained in gs.1 - a `man' page for Ghostscript.
- > The catalog at the beginning of devs.mak, which lists all the devices for
- which Ghostscript is able to produce output (although if you got Ghostscript
- in binary form, it will only include a subset of these devices).
- > devices.txt - more detailed information about some specific devices that
- Ghostscript knows about.
- > ps2epsi.txt, unix-lpr.txt - more detailed information about some of
- the shell scripts and batch files distributed with Ghostscript.
- > bug-form.txt - a form to use for reporting problems (but remember that
- Ghostscript comes with NO WARRANTY and NO SUPPORT).
- If you have Aladdin Ghostscript, as opposed to the GNU Ghostscript releases
- distributed by the Free Software Foundation, you should read (or at least
- skim through):
- > public.txt - additional information about Aladdin Ghostscript releases
- that is not relevant to GNU Ghostscript releases.
- If you are going to compile Ghostscript, rather than just use an executable
- you got from somewhere, you should read:
- > make.txt - how to compile and link Ghostscript. (You should also read
- install.txt in this case.)
- If you run into any questions, or if you are going to be using Ghostscript
- extensively, you should at least skim, and probably eventually read:
- > fonts.txt - information about the fonts distributed with
- Ghostscript, including how to add or replace fonts.
- > language.txt - A description of the Ghostscript language, and its
- differences from the documented PostScript language.
- > psfiles.txt - information about the .ps files distributed with
- Ghostscript (other than fonts).
- There is also a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) file available on the
- Internet. See "If you need help" in new-user.txt for the location.
- What should I read if I'm not a new user?
- -----------------------------------------
- When you receive a new release of Ghostscript, you should start by reading:
- > README - this file.
- > current.txt - information about problems, and major changes and new
- features in the current release.
- If you have used a previous release of Ghostscript, you probably should also
- read any more recent sections of:
- > NEWS - a complete, detailed history of changes in the most recent
- Ghostscript releases.
- What if I'm a developer?
- ------------------------
- If you are going to be writing a new driver for Ghostscript, you
- should read:
- > drivers.txt - the interface between Ghostscript and device drivers.
- > xfonts.txt - the interface between Ghostscript and platform-supplied
- fonts. (Read drivers.txt first.)
- If you are considering distributing Ghostscript (either Aladdin or GNU
- versions) in conjunction with a commercial product, you should read the
- PUBLIC license carefully, and you should also read:
- > commprod.txt - additional clarification of the circumstances under which
- Ghostscript can be distributed with a commercial product.
- If you intend to use Ghostscript in the form of a DLL under OS/2 or
- Microsoft Windows, you should read:
- > dll.txt - documentation on Ghostscript as a DLL.
- If you intend to use Ghostscript as part of another program and not
- as a DLL, rather than as a self-contained executable application, you
- should start by reading either (if you will be using Ghostscript as a
- callable PostScript language interpreter):
- > imain.h - the documented API for Ghostscript not as a DLL.
- or (if you are going to use just the Ghostscript graphics library):
- > lib.txt - information about the structure of and APIs for the
- Ghostscript library.
- Other files
- -----------
- > ps2epsi.txt - documentation for the PostScript to EPSI conversion
- utility.
- > helpers.txt - a note of thanks to all the people who have helped with
- Ghostscript development.
- > hershey.txt - information about the Hershey fonts, which are the
- basis of some of the Ghostscript fonts.
- > history*.txt - a history of changes in older Ghostscript releases.
- > humor.txt - a humorous comment on Ghostscript contributed by a user.
- > unix-lpr.txt - information about how to integrate Ghostscript with
- Unix printer spooling.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated.